Rant or Rave • Starbucks Touch

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First and foremost, let me just apologize. I know I said I was going to be taking blogging seriously in 2015, but you know....life happens...and it happens fast....annnd sometimes it completely blind sides you. That's kind of what happen to me. I went through a lot of changes and a pretty emotional roller coaster. But more about that later.

The other day while I was out on my daily Starbucks run, I saw the most fascinating thing. At first I thought it was just a phone case, but then I picked it up....
Starbucks in Japan is literally the complete opposite from the U.S. The drinks, the cups, the sizes, and the loyalty program especially. There's no gold card, there's no free shit, and there's no prezzies on your birthday. And as an alumni from the Gold Card Club, you can only imagine how hard my heart hit the ground when I found out I couldn't use my card here. 
They have mobile payment cards, which are actually super super cute, but they don't have any rewards attached to them. They're just meant for convenience more than anything. I had one, or four, but I lost all of them at the beach (lulz beach bum life). They're actually pretty handy if you go to Starbies on the reg, like yours truly. It's a good money management tool, if you will, and giiiirrrrrrrlll we all need some of that in our lives, haha. Just like the cards in the states, you can set up a reoccurring payment, or manually go into your account and add funds; OR you can go into the store and add funds in person.  
I will say though, one thing that is incredibly irritating about Starbucks Japan, is that the app in the US store doesn't work with the Japanese cards/locations. I haven't been able to find the Japanese version of the app, so you have to go to the website every time, and that's kind of irritating too, but I mean, it's all worth it for the coffee. 

So while I was at the register paying, I happened to look down at the "Mobile Card" payment touch pad thing they have and noticed a phone case sitting there. Naturally, my inner basic bitch came alive and instantly picked it up. It was wicked cute! Using my broken Japanese skills, or lack there of, I quickly realized that it wasn't JUST a case, it secretly had a card in it to be used as a form of payment.

The card is actually attached to the case, so it's impossible to lose; unless you lose your phone, but then at that point you have bigger problems lol.
The card has a number to register as well as a PIN number, just like the cards in the states. Also, if you somehow happen to lose your phone/card they'll compensate you for your remaining balance by issuing you a new card. Unfortunately if you lose the case, you won't be granted a new one.

G E N I U S! Everyone always has their phone with them, so why not put your starbies card in it! Long are the days where I leave my Starbucks card at the beach and give my credit to strangers! 
So Let's Break it Down;

The biggest downer to this case, is that it's limited to just the iPhone 6. Especially because Japan has some pretty sick phones, and I know a lot of people who would love this concept. 
Which is surprising to me, because almost every other store in Japan have rewards programs lulz. 

So How Would I Rate It?

3.5/5 & here's why! 
While I ADORE this case and the concept, I have mixed feelings about it......It's not something that you absolutely can't live without. If they would've tied something extra to this, like rewards, or at least a free drink, it would have more of a WOW factor to it. If you're a basic bitch like me and you LIVE for starbies, then this is something super cute you need...it's like those "special edition" dvds they come out with, nice to have for your collection, but if you already have something that works, stick to it, save yourself some money honey. 
So what do you think? Would you splurge for this?
PS What's your go-to-Starbies drink? I wanna know! 

*This post is in no way sponsored. Everything was purchased by myself.
But if Starbies wanna hook a sistuh up, heyyy giiirrrlll
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Carley said...

I wish they would do this in Cali! I would rock this case like no other. Although I'm trying to cut back... Starbucks is great at realing me back in every time!! *dammit*
It sounds weird but I'd probably buy this case from Japan just to have it 😂 Love this review!!!! 5 stars (no pun intended) lol