Eskimo Living

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When you were little, did you ever wish you knew what it was like to be an eskimo and live in the cold? Yeah I did....and now I wish I never wondered it.

Being born in Hawaii and raised in Japan, I never really saw snow. Well no, okay. It snows in Japan, but nothing like it does here in Maine. It's kind of crazy how much it snows here, like it's benching on ridiculous. Someone here told me it snows more in Maine than it does in Alaska at times, 

But hollluh for that eskimo life....I guess...haha 

Oh boy

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I've wanted to do this for a while now, this whole...blogging thing. I mean, I've had a tumblr for years now, so why not step up into the big boy leagues. Partly inspired by tumblr.......and primarily inspired by my lovely sister's blog: The Girl and Boy , I've taken it upon myself to test out the waters in the blogging it goes...

I suppose I should start out with an introduction of some sorts, so Hi. I'm Angela. Your not so typical 19 year old trying to figure out what in the heck she wants out of life. If there's anything you need to know about it, it's that I'm completely obsessed with anything artistic. Photography pretty much dominates my life, and if there's ever an opportunity to whip out good ol Nikkita (the name that my sister gave to the Nikon), then I'm there. I'm no Martha Stewart, but I do enjoy a little DIY-ing here and there and I'm not afraid to admit that I love food. Food, cats, and photography. That's pretty much my life in a nutshell. I wish I was kidding, but I'm not. I'm literally obsessed with my cats, trust me, you'll see lots of them.

I wish I could say 'EXPECT GREAT DIY'S AND SUPER CUTE OUTFIT OF THE DAYS AND FASHION ADVICE' from this blog....but I really don't know what's gonna wind up on this blog...but I guess that's kinda like everything in my life, I'm pretty spontaneous, pretty...... live-in-the-moment-ish....but I can promise you, I'll give you a good laugh.
