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Seriously, this year has FLOWN by. I can't believe that in just a few weeks, it'll be 2015. 2014 was an incredible year though. I learned a lot, and not just about life or a new job, but I learned a lot about myself. I learned how to love myself and how to be thankful for everything I have right in front of me, but of course I didn't do it alone. There's no way I could have. Let's play catch up/look back at everything 2014 had to offer xoxo
2014 was the year of growth, and no not literally....I'm still a measly 5"2 *sigh* 
But a year of growth within myself. I learned things I didn't even know I was capable of, and for that I am eternally grateful. I met some rad people, hung out with some pretty spiffy musicians, and made the most amazing friendships. & Most Importantly, Nathan and I are happier than ever! 
10 things I learned about Love this year:
  1. It's not about where you are or what you're doing, it's about who you're with and how that person makes you feel 
  2. Home isn't a place, it's a feeling 
  3. Opposites attract; it might not make sense in the beginning, but I promise, the fact that you don't have EVERYTHING in common is a blessing in itself
  4. It's okay to be selfish. It's okay to want to be by yourself for a little while, it's the times that you're apart that make you realize just how much you appreciate each other 
  5. Laughter really is the best medicine. In the middle of a silly argument? Crack a corny joke, works every time
  6. Surprises don't have to be materialistic.
  7. Patience really is a virtue
  8. You can't expect your partner to change if you yourself
    aren't willing to change for them 
  9. Your heart doesn't lie, it doesn't lead you astray, trust in it 
  10. Life is so so, SO much better when you're truly, madly, deeply in love with your best friend.

The 5 Most Important Things I Learned About Friendships:
  1.  Just because someone takes the time to hear your struggles, doesn't mean they are in fact listening to your pain 
  2. High School is a thing of the past, and it should stay there 
  3. There's a firm difference between being honest and just being a b*tch, ensure the people you surround yourself with know the difference
  4. Life is too short to waste your time with people who are toxic influences 
  5. Surround yourself with people who do nothing but lift you up when you feel like your feet are glued to the ground

    "A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden"

There were so many things that happened that I could on and on for hours about, but I'll keep it sweet and simple
What were your highlights from 2014? I WANNA KNOW! Click Here to fill out your very own Highlights sheet! Make sure you tag me in it when you're done, I'd love to see how well 2014 treated all of you. 
Until Next time, all I can say is....
BRING IT ON 2015! 
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