Let's be real, going off to Uni is terrifying. Between tuition, text book costs, meal plans, AND decorating your dorm, it's no wonder your bank account goes into anaphylactic shock every time you step into a store.
Target has some super sweet savings everywhere you look (especially in the Dollar corner).
Perhaps the best tool you can utilize to save some $$ is their college registry! This is something that you can use and share with your family and friends who may want to get you gift but don't know what to send. This would've come in handy for me, because I graduated in Japan and my entire family lived in America, haha.
You can also use this handy-dandy-tool if you already have your roommate assigned! You can see what your roommate has already gotten and visa-versa so that you guys are stuck with 2 microwaves taking up double the space.
Registries are amaaaazzinnnnggg, because you can put down what you want/need and thus eliminating the awkward gifts from grandma that you'll never use. I find registries can also be great shopping lists. Even if you never send them out to anyone, you can go through the site and make a list of what you need and then do the same thing on competitor sites and see which site offers better deals.
First things first, gotta activate the
Ebates! If you don't know what ebates is, its a site that PAYS YOU to shop online. PLUS right now they have huge extra savings because it's back to school season. In addition to cash back, they also have super sweet coupons and discounts.
From here, you can either start your own registry or you can look for an existing one; AKA if you're looking for your roommate.
They'll just ask a few basic questions like your address (you can even have it shipped to your dorm) and your email that way you can get updates if people purchase your items
You can always "heart" items on your list. This will bump them to the most wanted list, letting your friends and family know that you want want want those.
Target has everything categorized for a smooth and easy process. I love it, because some sites are so cluttered. I love the dorm appliance section, because a lot of the items are small and compact for easy use and easy storage. On the subject of storage, the storage bins on target are SO cute.
BONUS JONAS a lot of the bins stack together. hollluhhh for space saving!
YOU GUYS, Boho Boutique has THE cutest bedding and room decor ever. I want them all, haha specifically the gypsy rose comforter set. The bright colors are sure to bright up any room.....especially those dorm rooms!
What's your take?
Would you utilize the college registry from Target?
What are some of your "Back to School" must-haves?
Let me know down below
FTC: This post is NOT sponsored by Target what so ever. I just thought this was a super cool tool to utilize. However, the links are affiliate links.

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