Hellooooo again, this one is kind of fun.
So I thought it would be fun to do segments, like reviews, but I wanted to do something a little bit....catchy....so I figured why not! let's go with 'Rant or Rave.' If I wind up not liking the product...I'll rant about it....and if I wind up loving it....obviously I'll rave about it :) I don't know I'm just spit firing ideas out there, let me know what you think :)
MOVING ALONG, so for the first rant or rave, I thought I'd choose something that a lot of people are gonna be on the fence about.... The new Maybelline FitMe Foundation Stick.
Judging by the photo below, one can assume that I love the FitMe collection they got going on. So, naturally, I decided to dive on in and test this baby out.
I'm not even gonna lie, I was expecting this product to be a complete disaster and I was expecting to hate it right off the bat, but lemme tell you....this foundation actually isn't half bad. At first glance it looks like an enormous chap stick, kind of like those burt's bees things they've got going on. And looking at it from the top of the tube, you're like "Oh goodness, this is going to be waxy, it's going to be tacky..." Y'know the typical judgmentals...but once you open that tube up it's like a whole new dimension haha
The line has 12 different shades, which sounds like a lot, but what I noticed in the store is that these favor towards the cooler untertones (aka if you're a NC something in MAC), I didn't see much for the warmer undertones (aka if you're a NW something in MAC), but that could also be my store....I live in an area where everyone is whiter than casper.
It's supposed to be like the liquid foundation, but obvi in a gel form, and less heavy for those days when you're on the go. It does have a lot of similarities to the liquid fit me foundation, but without the fragrance and the medium-full coverage.
First thing's first, that anti-shine core thing, is a crock of bologna. It doesn't prevent shine at all, to me, it should be called the hydrating core, cause that's about all it's got going on. At first application, you'll notice that it glides on the skin REALLY well, it's like rubbing butter on your face (haha say butter like Paula Deen, it's fun). Secondly, if you have dry skin or oily skin, I wouldn't suggest this at all. I would say this foundation is for those who have normal to fairly combo skin. Thirdly, this foundation is light to medium coverage with the potential of full coverage but layering that much can cause cakey-ness, and that's not cute.
The staying power of this foundation is about 4-6 hours, but I don't advise wearing it
any longer than 4.5 hours haha
I obviously did a trial and error type dealio with this, just to see what works best because I've tried foundation sticks before, but they're all so different! So what I did was I put primer on half of my face, and free balled it on the other half just to test if the primer made a difference. (sometimes with a gel-ish-type foundation, primer does nothing but help it slide right off your face) In this instance however, primer is definitely a necessity. But hey, who knows maybe you've got flawless skin and you don't need a primer, for my skin type however, I needed it.
They suggest putting it on with your fingers to blend it in seamlessly.....but I have a problem using my fingers to blend in foundation SO. I used my Oh Gee domed buffing brush, and it worked like a charm. I would say if you wanna use your fingers, go ahead, if not, use a brush. The beauty blender and the sponge did nothing for me, it seemed to just kind of soak up the foundation completely.
I don't know about you, but no matter what kind of foundation I'm using I ALWAYS have to set it with powder, always. It's just habit. So naturally, I set this one with my rimmel stay matte powder. But use the powder sparingly, as you don't want to give the "cakey" look to your face. This foundation is a little mattifying, so adding more matte powder to it would just be a bad combo.
I also carry my MAC blotting powder everywhere with me, if you're gonna wear this foundation, I suggest you bring your powder with you too. In extreme heat, like here in Maine, you naturally sweat, nothing you can really do about it, and like I said that anti-shine thing is bologna, so powder for touch ups will be your best friend.
I'm a 130 (Buff Beige)
All in all, it's an okay foundation. If you're looking for something light for just going out to lunch, running errands, or even going to the beach/pool, this is a good foundation to test out. If you're looking for that great foundation that's going to give you coverage and make you look flawless, I'd skip out on this one. Also, if you have a lot of acne or scaring, I don't suggest getting this foundation. It's great at evening out your skin coloration, but it's not too kind to any texture on the face, it actually kind of dries up on those spots
So how do I wear it?
I'll just go from left to right haha
- My "Oh Gee Domed Buffing Brush" (ohgeeboutique.com)
- ELF Daily Moisture Stick; I put this on before my primer, just because you should ALWAYS moisturize your face
- Rimmel Fix & Perfect or Benefit's POREfessional; These primers...I always go back and forth about. I still love Rimmel's more than anything, but Benefit's helps with my black&white heads...weird I know
- Obvi the Maybelline FitMe stick foundation
- Rimmel Stay Matte; I use this powder to set my foundation
- MAC Blotting Powder Pressed; I carry this in my purse for touch-ups everyday
I really hope that they work on improving the formula for this though, because it's fabulous for those summer days when you need to just throw something on and head out the door for errands.
so how would I rate it?

3.5ish /5
Here's why! While I love the idea and the concept of it, the formula still needs work, if they could perfect that anti-shine core, it would be a keeper. &While I appreciate the variety of shades, they're all aimed towards one undertone type (like I said it could just be my store)
I hope this was at least a little helpful! feel free to leave comments, suggestions, tips, tricks, ideas, or something you want me to chat about next :)
I think this is something that falls in the middle, there's so much to rant about, but the concept is cool, and it's interesting, nice for summer....so it's worth raving about.
Until next time!
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Thanks so much for the review. Super informative, and super fun to read (:
Angel x
I actually love mine! I normally wear a little of my BB cream under it, then I apply the foundation stick with concealer ontop, and its perfect :D I love that its not a liquid foundation
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