So not too long ago......Nathan and I officially tied the knot....and I know, we're young yadda-yadda. But have no fear, I'm going to clear up a few things about the whole thing, because some people...they were a little.....well let's just say they weren't very nice.
So for those of you who know Natha and I, you know we've been togther for a long time. This December will make it 6 years (holysmokes). We were going to get married eventually, it was inevitable.
But anyways... Nathan and I had decided long ago that one of us joining the Military was a fantastic idea, being that we both had been in that lifestyle pretty much our entire lifes...
And TAG HE WAS IT, hehe. Actually he really wanted to join the Air Force, so TADA, enlisted he went. Most of you probably already know this, but the Military doesn't care if you're dating. If you're not married, you find your own way to follow your significant other around to duty stations and you live seperately most of the time. SO! Since we were going to get married anyway, we figured 'why not make it official on paper that we we're 100% certain that we'll get to actually stay together.'
Enter the small wedding.
Literally, it took 5 minutes. It took me longer to get ready, haha. I didn't expect to get emotional...because it was just a little cermony. Nothing fancy. But we both cried....haha It was a fabulous day, it really was....But the thing that shocked me, was that a lot of people...completely lost their minds.
I get it, Nathan and I are young, we have our whole lives ahead of us, but honestly, I can't even begin to picture life without Nathan. Call it cliche', but I'm 10000000% certain that he's the one for me. We've had our ups and downs, but really, who hasn't? We work it out, we've been together for so long that we've...essentially....grown up together. We obviously wouldn't have followed through with the wedding if we both weren't on the same page. And no...I didn't force Nathan into this....he was the one that actually suggested it first.
MOVING ON, I heard from the grape vine some of my "friends" and family members had a few assumptions of their own as to why we got married, one of the most common one, was that I was pregnant. HAHAHAHAHHA no. No bun in the oven for this chickadee. Sorry.
Another bizarre thing I heard was that I was marrying Nathan just for the Money....haha,
Another bizarre thing I heard was that I was marrying Nathan just for the Money....haha,
The things people say...pretty bizzzzzaaareeee. None the less, Nathan and I are incredibly happy, and thanks a million to everyone that has been so supportive :') We love you guys!
I know that a lot of people really don't care, but I wanted to take this opportunity to get this out there, clarify a few things, and just....share the good news, cause honestly this was one of the best days ever, haha. Have no fear, we're still having a 'real' wedding and a lot of people will be invited!
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Yes, our officiant wore shorts and a tank top.. she was on her way to work haha she was so nice |
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Stoked on life |
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